“Cows & Quail is the only range and wildlife curriculum based on the mutual-dependence of plants and animals.”– C. Gill, Workshop Participant
HMI’s Cows & Quail workshop is a unique experience for serious land and wildlife managers. Our west Texas habitat improvement workshop helped participants understand the interaction of large grazers with Scaled and Gambels quail, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Pronghorn, Desert Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer and Desert Big Horn Sheep; and the response of their critical habitat to Holistic Management grazing techniques. Land managers left the training with advanced knowledge of how ecology is affected by animal impact, food, water, cover, other range practices, and fencing, to support the population growth of these species
The following experts presented:
Frank Aragona, Director of R&D, HMI
Chris Gill, Owner, Circle Ranch
Steve Nelle, TWA, SRM, NRCS Retired & Independent Consultant
Dr. Dale Rollins, Texas Agrilife Extension Service & Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch
Guy Glosson, HMI Certified Educator
Tom Waddell, Ranch Manager, Ted Turner’s Armendaris Ranch

Participants were asked to rate their knowledge of specific topics before and after the workshop. The average rate of knowledge change was significant.
People Trained 39
Acres Influenced 536,015
Jobs Influenced 66