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Albuquerque's South Valley farm hosts Open Gate Event

Writer's picture: onlinehmionlinehmi

35 people influencing 221,506 acres, gathered at the SpeakEasy Garden in Albuquerque’s South Valley on November 1

4th, 2017 to learn about Holistic Management and sustainable food systems. The day began with an overview of Holistic Management by HMI Program Director Kathy Harris, followed by a brief history of the area and of SpeakEasy Gardens by owner/operator, Berenika Byszewski.  Kathy then presented on Holistic Decision Making and how it leads to building soil health and growing local community. Next, Susann Mikkelson talked about her work with the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and the Southwest Grassfed Livestock Alliance, then introduced Nancy Ranney, of Ranney Grassfed, who spoke about their ranch in Corona, NM and how  grassfed beef production is helping to address climate change. After lunch Dan Bloedel from the NRCS gave an informative presentation on water infiltration and soil types, then Kathy and Berenika led the group on a short farm tour.  Anzia Bennett presented on her Three Sisters Kitchen project, James Esqueda presented on his experiences working with La Montanita Coop and how they go about engaging with local producers, Tiana Baca presented on the Desert Oasis Teaching Garden at the Albuquerque Academy, Penny Davis gave us an overview of the Seed2Need program and how she came to found it, and lastly, Tina Garcia-Shams presented on the Street Food Institute.  The day ended with a brief Q & A session. Thanks to the Thornburg Foundation for their support of this program. Results

Special Thank You to the Thornburg Foundation for Sponsoring this Event!

A Season of Giving

At this time of the year, we often find ourselves counting our blessings while appreciating the gifts that we’ve been given. Here at Holistic Management International, we’re no different. Here are just a few of the gifts that we’re grateful for:

The Gift of Healthy Land

Your gifts have put us on track to reach our 20/20 vision of 20 million additional acres of healthy land by the year 2020.

The Gift of Healthy Food

We have seen the Holistic Management community grow, supporting the work of creating healthy lands while producing the nutritious food that will feed communities across the globe.

The Gift of Knowledge

Your generous gifts have also allowed us to provide over $50,000 worth of scholarships since 2014.

Will you help us train more farmers and ranchers in regenerative agriculture? Together, we can change the world one farm and ranch at a time!

 Thank you for your support, now and always.

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