Happy New Year!
Like most of us, you’ve probably made some New Year’s resolutions. And like most of us, it's fairly likely that some or all of those resolutions have been broken, or will be by the end of January. But if you're really interested in making changes for the better, why not commit to going a little green(er)? Below, I’ve listed some resolutions that are fairly easy to keep, and will go a long way towards making this world a better place.
Sign up for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA’s are a great way to become acquainted with local farmers while purchasing local, seasonal food. An advantageous arrangement for both the farmer and the consumer, a CSA membership provides you with the freshest food possible outside of growing it yourself. You’ll also know exactly how your food is grown, and will likely be able to visit the farm to see it for yourself.
Grow something. Whether you have a few acres or a kitchen windowsill available, you can grow something consumable. For those that have not grown anything before, you’ll be amazed at the feeling of accomplishment when you sit down and eat the food that you grew yourself. And whatever you grow, it will taste way better than anything you’ll find in the supermarket.

Start reading the ingredient list on everything you purchase. Again, you’ll likely be amazed…but not in a good way.
Forego the plastic water bottles. Reusable water bottles are popular, and available in just about any shape and size you can imagine. In the U.S., the average person drinks around 31.8 gallons of bottled water each year. That equates to 203-20 ounce bottles per year. Do your wallet and the environment a favor and purchase a water filter and a reusable water bottle.
Change your light bulbs. Swap out those old, incandescent bulbs for energy-friendly florescent bulbs that will significantly reduce energy consumption.
Buy some houseplants. Aside from making your home, apartment, or office look great, houseplants also work to reduce carbon dioxide levels, while helping to increase indoor humidity.
Stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. For a few items, simply forego the bag altogether. If you’re doing more substantial shopping, bring your own reusable bag.
Let's start 2018 by resolving to make this world a healthier place. All it takes is a few simple changes. I know I'll be making some. I hope you'll join me.