As HMI continues to review our internal policy and governance processes, the HMI Board of Directors has developed a review process to determine if any changes should be made to the current HMI Holistic Management® Framework.
The Framework Review Committee (FRC) consists of HMI Executive Director, Program Director, and Education Manager, and 3 members of the HMI Board who are HMI Certified Educators and are selected by the Board.
The purpose of the FRC is to determine if changes to the HMI Framework are necessary and put recommendations to the HMI Board of Directors for approval. Consensus using Holistic Management Decision Testing Process and HMI’s holistic goal is the decision-making process for this committee.
If you have any suggested changes for the framework, you have until September 30th to submit your suggestions to the HMI Framework Committee via: anna@holisticmanagement.org. You will be contacted by a committee member to confirm receipt of your submission and potentially to request further information.
Click here to review HMI's current Holistic Management Framework. To learn more the benefits of Holistic Management, click here.
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