Whether it is Mom or Michael Pollan, everyone is saying "Eat your veggies." In a recent article at FERN, the authors note that while the U.S. is one of the biggest vegetable producers in the world, we aren't meeting our dietary requirements for eating vegetables. We would need to average almost an additional cup of vegetables a day. For some people that may be a challenging amount, by Dr. Thomas Cowan, recent speaker at HMI's 2016 Gathering, blows that suggestion out of the water by noting that on average our ancestors ate 15 different kinds of vegetables a day and a total of 120 over the course of a year. Click here to hear a live stream of one of his talks at HMI's Gathering. And if you really want to help the U.S. average, eat some carrots. We need to increase our orange and red vegetable intake by 220%!